Ipomoea nil

Family Convolvulaceae

Species Profile

Species classification Naturalised
Common namesBlue Morning Glory
SynonymsConvolvulus hederaceus L.; Convolvulus nil L.; Convolvulus tomentosus Vell.; Ipomoea cuspidata Ruiz & Pav.; Ipomoea desertorum House; Ipomoea hederacea Baker & Rendle; Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. (one var); Ipomoea longicuspis Meisn.; Ipomoea nil var. setosa (Blume) Boerl.; Ipomoea scabra Forssk.; Ipomoea setosa Blume; Ipomoea trichocalyx Steud.; Ipomoea vaniotiana H. Lév.; Pharbitis cuspidata (Ruiz & Pav.) G. Don; Pharbitis githaginea Hochst.; Pharbitis hederacea (L.) Choisy; Pharbitis nil (L.) Choisy; Pharbitis purpurea Asch. in Schweinf.
Growth formHerb, Vine/scrambler/climber
Seed dispersal morphologyInformation unavailable
Maximum height (m)5
Capable of vegetative reproductionInformation unavailable
Native rangeInformation unavailable
Exotic range (Australia)QLD, WA, NT
Exotic range (other)Information unavailable
Habitat types (exotic)Agricultural land, Roadsides
Soil type (exotic)Information unavailable
Decade of introduction1840

This species is available for purchase online in Australia (current as of May 2013)

Rating [?]

Climate scenario Australia ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA
Current climate 281824362816141434
RCP 8.5 2035 281822362816121434
RCP 8.5 2065 281816342616121434

Maps of Habitat Suitability & Recorded Occurrences

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Current suitable habitat

2035 suitable habitat
(RCP 8.5)

2065 suitable habitat
(RCP 8.5)

Recorded occurrences

Recorded occurrences


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