Senecio glastifolius

Family Asteraceae

Species Profile

Species classification Naturalised [National Environmental Alert List]
Common namesHolly Leaved Senecio, Large Senecio, Pink Ragwort, Waterdissel
SynonymsInformation unavailable
Growth formHerb
Seed dispersal morphologyWing/Achene/Pappus
Maximum height (m)2
Capable of vegetative reproductionYes
Native rangeAfrica
Exotic range (Australia)WA, NSW
Exotic range (other)Pacific Ocean Islands
Habitat types (exotic)Shrublands, Riparian systems, Coastal vegetation/sand dunes, Disturbed areas, Roadsides
Soil type (exotic)Sandy, Loamy
Decade of introduction1980

Rating [?]

Climate scenario Australia ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA
Current climate 302280610121434
RCP 8.5 2050 302280610121434
RCP 8.5 2070 302280610121434

Maps of Habitat Suitability & Recorded Occurrences

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Current suitable habitat

2050 suitable habitat
(RCP 8.5)

2070 suitable habitat
(RCP 8.5)

Recorded occurrences

Recorded occurrences


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Further Information