Thunbergia laurifolia

Family Acanthaceae

Species Profile

Species classification Naturalised [National Environmental Alert List]
Common namesLaurel Clock Vine, Laurel-leaved Clockvine, Laurel-leaved Thunbergia, Purple Allamanda, Thunbergia
SynonymsThunbergia grandiflora var. laurifolia (Lindl.) Benoist; Thunbergia harrisii Hook.
Growth formVine/scrambler/climber
Seed dispersal morphologyInformation unavailable
Maximum height (m)15
Capable of vegetative reproductionYes
Native rangeAsia
Exotic range (Australia)QLD, NT
Exotic range (other)Pacific Ocean Islands
Habitat types (exotic)Riparian systems, Garden escape, Disturbed areas, Roadsides, Woodlands
Soil type (exotic)Fertile, Acidic, Well drained
Decade of introduction1960

Rating [?]

Climate scenario Australia ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA
Current climate 3021264010101228
RCP 8.5 2050 302146388101428
RCP 8.5 2070 302146368101628

Maps of Habitat Suitability & Recorded Occurrences

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Current suitable habitat

2050 suitable habitat
(RCP 8.5)

2070 suitable habitat
(RCP 8.5)

Recorded occurrences

Recorded occurrences


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Further Information