Pereskia aculeata

Family Cactaceae

Species Profile

Species classification Invasive [NSW's Noxious Weeds]
Common namesBarbados Gooseberry, Barbados Shrub, Blade Apple, Blade Apple Cactus, Leaf Cactus, Leafy Cactus, Lemon Vine, Lemonvine, Pereskia, Pereskia Creeper, Primitive Cactus, Rose Cactus, Satan Plant, Spanish Gooseberry, Surinam Gooseberry
SynonymsCactus lucidus Salisb.; Cactus pereskia L.; Pereskia aculeata f. rubescens (Houghton) Krainz; Pereskia aculeata var. godseffiana (hort.) F.M. Knuth; Pereskia aculeata var. lanceolata Pfeiff.; Pereskia aculeata var. longispina (Haw.) DC.; Pereskia aculeata var. rotundifolia Pfeiff.; Pereskia aculeata var. rubescens Pfeiff.; Pereskia foetens Speg. in Weingart; Pereskia fragrans Lem.; Pereskia godseffiana hort.; Pereskia longispina Haw.; Pereskia pereskia (L.) H.Karst. [Invalid]; Pereskia rubescens Houghton; Pereskia undulata Lem.
Growth formShrub, Vine/scrambler/climber
Seed dispersal morphologyFleshy fruit/Edible/Aril
Maximum height (m)12
Capable of vegetative reproductionYes
Native rangeAtlantic Ocean Islands, South America
Exotic range (Australia)QLD, NSW
Exotic range (other)Pacific Ocean Islands, Asia, North America, Africa
Habitat types (exotic)Riparian systems, Garden escape, Urban areas, gardens and parks, Roadsides, Sclerophyll forest
Soil type (exotic)Most soil types, Fertile, Well drained
Decade of introduction1860

This species is available for purchase online in Australia (current as of May 2018)

Rating [?]

Climate scenario Australia ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA
Current climate 300304286266
RCP 8.5 2050 302240226468
RCP 8.5 2070 3023003484168

Maps of Habitat Suitability & Recorded Occurrences

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Current suitable habitat

2050 suitable habitat
(RCP 8.5)

2070 suitable habitat
(RCP 8.5)

Recorded occurrences

Recorded occurrences


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Further Information